Reading progress update: I've listened to 2 out of 11 discs.

Reblogged from Familiar Diversions:
14 (Audiocd) - Peter Clines, Ray Porter

So far we have:


- Bright green mutant cockroaches

- Weird problems with the lights

- Dramatically differing apartment layouts

- A mysterious apartment with a door that doesn't have a handle and may never have had a handle

- A mysterious apartment with four very tough-looking padlocks

- An elevator that, as far as anyone knows, has never been in service

- Multiple doors with chains and padlocks

- Lots of suggestions that this place has history, except no one knows what that history is

- And a variety of neighbors, most of whom haven't lived there for very long


Aside from the many padlocked doors and unnaturally colored insects, this place reminds me a lot of a building I lived in when I was in college. It's probably a good thing I'm listening to this now, rather than then.